Stock and Release

Inventory management can be a costly expense. It demands valuable space in your warehouse and resources to move and maintain your inventory. Bay Standard Manufacturing’s stock and release program will ensure that you have the rod, fasteners, and assemblies your business requires, all when you need it. Without the cost of carrying inventory yourself, Bay Standard Manufacturing will save your company money.

Stocking Companies

On-Demand Inventory

BSMI’s stock and release programs eliminate the need to keep extra parts and assemblies in your inventory when you do not have the space or resources to keep large quantities in-house. Using our robust shipping and logistics infrastructure, Bay Standard Manufacturing will transfer inventory to your facilities on your schedule.

Control Price Variance

Utilizing a stock and release program means being able to enjoy consistent prices made available by larger runs without having to shoulder the cost of warehousing. When dealing with specific products and materials, you may run into certain cost volatility. By allowing Bay Standard Manufacturing to hold your stock for delayed release you can take more control over any price variability that comes with the material you are using.

Spread Out Cash Flow

Another benefit of using the stock and release program is the ability to break out payments over time, rather than paying for the entire supply at once. This frees up cash flow for other important things in your business.
Using Bay Standard Manufacturing for your stock and release program is a great way to manage your product while enjoying consistent regulated costs.


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From one piece to one truckload – We supply your needs.